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Career Academies UK

Prepare for the world of work


Career Academies UK links business with education to prepare young people for the world of work.

Around the UK, 4,000 employee volunteers from over 1,400 organisations large and small contribute time and skills to the Career Academy programme of mentoring, masterclasses, workplace visits and an internship. Everything we do is business-led so that we are equipping our young people with the skills, attitude and experiences that employers want. 

There are many ways that an organisation or individual employee can get involved and help shape a young person's life. We work flexibly with each employer to best meet the needs of their business, their time and their local community. 

Please watch our Business Benefits video for first-hand views from existing supporting employers. You can also download our Ways to get Involved flyer.

Want to find out more? Please contact us at for more information, or contact your relevant Regional Manager
