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Career Academies UK

Prepare for the world of work

Our impact

Career Academies UK is proud to be leading a quiet revolution in the ways in which employers and educationalists are working in partnership to prepare the next generation for adult life. Over 85% of Career Academy graduates go on to higher education or directly into employment or work based learning such as apprenticeships or school leaver programmes.

Employers report that our Career Academy programme helps them to:

  • become leaders in the communities they serve
  • improve skills in coaching and managing people through employee volunteering
  • develop an employability pipeline that will eventually lead to a more diverse employee base
  • develop their corporate social responsibility practice in a manageable way.

Our Areas Of Good Practice highlighted in the Award for Education Business Excellence report in 2009 included the following:

  • The Year of Planning is a great strength, as it provides schools/colleges and their staff with a well-structured and professionally supported developmental process.
  • Career Academies UK benefits from an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, committed and professional staff that is highly valued by its stakeholders, including schools/colleges and employers.
  • The internship is a powerful tool in raising the achievement and aspirations of the young people who complete their placements. That this is the case was confirmed by evidence directly from the students themselves and from employers who provide the placements.

Click the cover above to download research conducted by FreshMinds